Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Commentary on Contemporary Life In The USA

...So, For What It's Worth, here's the way I see things today.
Here in the good 'ol U. S. of A., we've come through another ferocious election cycle and what have we to show for it?
For late night show comedians, a wealth of material to get laughs. For the self-important punditocracy (read: George Will, David Broder and their ilk), fodder to file so they can look back a year from now and pronounce themselves as gifted oracles.
For news and politics junkies, like myself, time to catch up on sleep (for a week or two, anyway). For the bloggers, more of the same-old, same-old; which is to say that never-ending pursuit of some post somewhere that has a hint of validity, albeit fleeting, to glom onto.
For the predominant political parties, Republicans and Democrats, each claiming either a) a great cosmic victory or b) avoidance of a great national calamity. Really, it's neither, since almost 40% of the voting populace chose to abstain. To me, that indicates signifigant apathy or major distrust of our two-party political system to address the needs of we everyday mortals who must wrestle to put food on the table, gas in our six-year old car, make this month's mortgage payment, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
It's no coincidence that one of today's most popular comedians, Lewis Black portrays the angst of Joe Everyman, attempting to deal with the maelstrom of frustration, stupidity, callousness, deception, corruption and amorality that swirls around us incessantly.
America used to be known as 'The Melting Pot', now it's the 'Pressure Cooker'.
Why did I name this humble little blog as, "For What It's Worth"?
Because, back in the 1960's there was a folk/protest song by the same name, done by a group known as "Buffalo Springfield". In about two minutes and 45 seconds the group seemed to capture the essence of a time when white was black and black was white, up was down, and down, up and "1984" was still a long way into the future. Or was it?

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