Saturday, February 24, 2007

F W I W - Potpourri, some praise, some scorn

Yes, we've been away for a while. And yes, we've missed you too! We've acquired a 'MAC' (you know, the one you've been seeing in the commercials, the two guys, one who introduces himself as "Hello, I'm a PC" and the other, cooler-looking guy, who says, "I'm a MAC".) And it's been quite a learning experience! Mostly, it has been about un-learning the 'Windows' interface. The "MAC" world is, to say the least, fascinating. Those of you out there who've gone through it know of which I speak. But I digress.
Yes, some praise. Praise for the tech folks at *Google*. Swinging over to the MAC also involved some changes to make it possible for me to post from the new system. We experienced some log-in problems and the tech folks got it resolved for us in less than an hour. On a Saturday, no less! So let's hoist one for the *Googlefolk* and say, "Well done!"
And while we're at it, let's have some praise for Apple, Inc. Their OS X (as in 10) operating system is remarkably facile and highly intuitive; almost like it knows what you want to do before you do it. Spooky, right? We've been told that we'll get used to it.
Next up, a brickbat or two.
Number one to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia for it's recent decision depriving prisoners at Guantanamo Bay of any right to challenge the Bush Administration by upholding the Military Commissions Act. The ACLU maintains that it is a misguided endorsement of the Administration's stance that Guantanamo is a place without law and that the detainees therefore are people without rights. It's very simple really. The United States flag flies over Guantanamo. In international law, wherever that flag of our country flies, it has always been the position that area is considered soverign to the U.S., and is fully subject to the laws of the United States. If anyone were to attempt to enter Guantanamo without clearance, our armed forces would be able to claim the right to respond with deadly force against such an intrusion. You cannot have it both ways, folks. Either an area is subject to all the laws of this country or it is subject to none. The real villain in this piece is the Military Commissions Act. The MCA is an abridgement of the first, fourth and sixth amendments in the Bill of Rights and pertains to any person, citizen or not, in the care or custody of the U.S. It is an abomination that the United States declares that it stands foursquare for Human Rights, yet tramples the very concept of same embedded in our Constitution. As a sidebar, most of the 600+ persons held at Guantanamo have been found to have been innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever. When returned to their native countries, virtually all have been released immediately.
Number two goes to John McLaughlin, host of "The McLaughlin Group on PBS (Friday night, check your local listings). Presenting a piece of file footage purporting to be Senator Barack Obama responding to charges from the Hillary Clinton campaign group that he was somehow besmirching Hillary. The cited footage was, in fact, shot during his formal announcement for President, edited to appear as slamming Hillary. Shame on you, John. This really is beneath you, sir. We watch "The McLaughlin Group" regularly and other than the fact that it almost always pits one liberal (Eleanor Clift, also a female) against three other conservatives (Pat Buchanan, Tony Blankney and the 'guest chair' on McLaughlin's right), usually comes out fair and square. This was not the case in the instance I've cited. Brickbat Two to John.
I see your eyelids starting to droop, fair reader, so we'll close. But not before we call your attention to an incredible singer. You'll be hearing more about *Regina Spektor* in the months to come. We first spotted her on CBS Sunday Morning a few weeks back in a profile that displayed this young lady's amazing range as well as technical skill at the keyboard. You heard it here first (or maybe second). P.S.-Regina hails from the former Soviet Union; their loss is our gain. More rightly, the U.K.'s gain as she now considers Great Britain her home. Visit her website at:
Last, but certainly not least is Keith Olbermann. "Countdown" on MSNBC is one of the liveliest, quirkiest, funniest (thanks to segments like 'Oddball' and 'Worst Person in the World') hours on cable. For me to forego "The Newshour With Jim Lehrer", that's something. Check your listings.

Next: The Social Conservative Agenda and the harm it is doing to America.

Today is Saturday, the 24th of February, 2007. Only 697 days until the end of the Bush Adminstration.