Wednesday, January 31, 2007

F W I W - Stop The Presses - Pat II

The regularly scheduled commentary, “Thank you for the music” will not be presented at this time in order that we may bring you the following:
We happened to run across some items on the web that we thought would be of interest to you.
Item One: How many times have you seen some news item that cites a survey (somewhere) that purports to show how people poll on an issue of interest? Then, you say to yourself, “Gee, nobody asked me about that!”
Or, something to that effect. Now, you can make your beliefs known! Better yet, you can even earn rewards (cash, too) saying how you believe. There is an organization that wants to know how people poll on various issues of importance; it’s known as PollingPoint . Here’s the beauty of the thing. Take as many or as few of their polls as you like, when you like. You’ll earn ‘points’ for each poll you complete. Take a lot of polls, earn more points, take fewer polls and earn fewer points. The points accrue, and, as far as we can tell, they accrue until you decide what premium you want to trade them for. Be advised, the cash ($100) is available in that amount only and you need to accrue 100,000 points. But, if you are highly opinionated, it shouldn’t take you too terribly long.
Item Two: We are tremendous fans of comedian Lewis Black. Of course, he has his own website Lewis is also a contestant on Comedy Central for “Comedian of the Month”. If we can enlist your aid, we would like you to vote for Lewis. Hopefully, you caught the interview on “CBS Sunday Morning” a few weeks back. It appears that Lewis has tapped into that level of frustration that we all feel when confronted with some of the idiocy in today’s world. We can identify with that feeling of, “If somebody doesn’t get this fixed in the next two minutes, I’m going to SNAP”! His take on sportscaster Rick Warren’s sexual fantasy (on-air, no less) about Ashley Judd is one of the funniest we’ve ever witnessed. Don’t know why it isn’t available on Comedy Central. Just thinking about it makes us…(excuse me, I have to roll around on the floor for a few minutes) weak. Please, do us a favor and support Lewis in his quest.
Item Three: Okay, we have to get political here (don’t we always?). There’s an item on “Slate”, the online magazine that sheds like on how we (America) could begin to reclaim Afghanistan from the Taliban. Of course, there are those who bristle at the premise of legalizing drugs, and/or supporting those who produce them, but this article makes some real sense. If implemented, it could reduce the money that goes directly to the Taliban, thereby reducing (1) the Taliban’s ability to purchase guns, grenades and other explosives and (2) the Taliban’s growing influence in southern Afghanistan. We urge you to read the article, since the Taliban is the organization directly involved with 9/11, not Saddam Hussein.

Item Four: This may seem a little like deja vu all over again, and you would be right. Actually, this is the entire text of Stop The Presses Part II.
We've been advised by the good people at Blogspot technical support that there were other instances where parts of postings did not upload to the server (computer). We've also been advised that they hope to locate the glitch (technical term for, "hmmmm, why'd that happen?") and fix same as soon as possible. And I believe them. They're really nice folks. We won't belabor the point; just know that we hope to have another posting up later today. Hopefully, it will be the aformentioned "Thank you for the music!"
Today is January 31st, 720 days left until the end of the Bush Administration.
Next Up: Thank you for the music!

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