Thursday, November 22, 2007

In Praise (?) of Craigslist

Well, unless you've been off the planet for more than five years or just shipwrecked on an uncharted island way out to sea, you've heard of Craigslist. A compendium of personal ads, jobs postings, real estate for sale or rent, community news, chat forums, craigslist has become an online marketplace (supermarket-place?) grande'. A testament to internet entrepreneurship, the reach of Craigslist has become worldwide in what seems like the blink of an eye. 
The popularity of the site is due most likely to a combination of factors, no doubt the ease of use and free availability (supported by revenue from it's real estate listings), which make it affordable for the masses. Online self-policing keeps the site as it should be, a reflection of today's mores, or K.I.S.S.
One of the areas of Craigslist is the area devoted to Net Neutrality. If you haven't heard of it, you should care about the concept at least. Simply put, the large Telecom companies are seeking to control the accessibility of the vast internet for only those with the hefty bank accounts, relegating slower connection speeds to the rest of us. One of the unforeseen consequences of the formation of the world wide web has been a democratization of wealth. This economic superhighway for the common man is about to see construction of toll booths, ironically constructed by the wealthiest in our society to further pick the pockets of what is left of the middle class. Why should you care? Well, for starters, you can be sure that anything you purchase over the internet is going to cost you more. As an avenue of commerce, the internet is poised to virtually explode in accessability; this the Telecoms know, and they want to carve out a giant slice for themselves and the richest among us (and outside this country through proxy ownership).

On to other items of interest: 

As I'm writing this, I'm listening to the latest Bob Dylan album, "Modern Times" and finding myself awestruck at the, what can I say but, genius. Alternately introspective and boisterous, his touch subtle  and persuasive, confident; every time I re-listen to this disk I find more and more depth.
As long as I've digressed tonight, musically, another name I want to pass on is a young lady coming into her own. Regina Spektor (Sire Records) is being seen in three episodes of "CSI - New York"; check your local listings for time. Her albums "Soviet Kitsch" and "Begin To Hope" display this young singer/songwriter's range.
Fairly certain I've mentioned Regina before. That's okay. 

Well, there goes Dylan singing "The Levee's Gonna Break", so yours truthfully is going to bow out for this session.

The Bush Countdown is on hiatus until next post when it returns in different form...hopefully.

One final closing thought; just what's so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding?

Monday, April 23, 2007

FWIW - Beyond the social conservatives

(Originally titled "How the Social Conservatives are ruining America")
A caveat to begin with; we reasoned that the title was just a little too inflammatory, so we dialed it back.
We use as our reference point the movie, "Pleasantville" (c) Newline Cinema 1998, starring Tobey Maguire, Jeff Daniels, Joan Allen, William H. Macy and Reese Witherspoon. If you saw the movie when it first came out and if you remembered the 1950's as I did, growing up in a little bedroom community (New Hyde Park, Long Island, N.Y.), this little gem was amazingly on-target in capturing the flavor of that decade.
For white, middle-class America, Father really did 'know best', the air was clean and sex was dirty. MAD magazine was still in comic book form, yet, even then very subversive, merrily skewering society's sacred cows.
For those who didn't see the movie, Tobey Maguire and Reese Witherspoon are two teenagers who are magically transported back from current day to those days of yore (by a masterfully-played television repairman, Don Knotts; himself, of course as much a symbol of the 50's as hula hoops and 'D.A.' haircuts) to live in that era and reconcile their current-day mores with those of the 50's.
It doesn't take long for the dilemma to become apparent to these two. Of course, TV was black and white, not color, and they have become monochrome as has the town around them. It's a striking metaphor for the either/or frame of reference of those days. Black or White. Right or Wrong. No shades of nuance. You either were with us or agin' us; there was no safe middle ground.
Sound familiar? Well, the social conservatives have done all they can to return us to those halcyon days. Starting in the early 1980's the election of Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the societal division building even then. "Family values", the catch-phrase of the social conservatives, were the code words used to connote that "Pleasantville" ideal. This was the social norm that the conservatives sought to impose on American culture. All the way from Roe v. Wade to 'school choice' (a tactic to allow white households to remain removed from the requirements of integration), legislation that had served to enhance equality under the law was eviscerated slowly and systematically.
In 1993, when FBI crime statistics were released showing an overall decrease in the crime rate, some suggested that there was correlation between the effect of Roe v. Wade traceable to a decline in pregnancies that would have resulted in the births of unwanted children which would then have increased the crime rate. The social conservatives went ballistic. How dare anyone claim that unwanted children were responsible for crime? The social conservative's own political correct-ness kicked in!
It's been said that "...figures don't lie, but liars do figure..." and although we run the risk of offending those social conservatives, there are few other predictors available to dispute the conclusion. After all, the Reagan/Bush administration dissembled and de-funded social programs all over the place; ergo the conclusion must be that there were fewer births recorded for the demographic group (poor, marginally educated) that would be expected to contribute to the pool of unwanteds. And, perhaps that may have been the serendipitous result of such de-funding; fewer births to begin with.
So, perhaps we have hit upon the truth quite by accident; reduce the crime rate by starving the poor to death. Fewer poor people = lower crime statistics. How ingenious!

Next: President Bush's secret agenda: Armageddon!

Today is Monday, April 23rd, 2007. Only 639 days until the end of the Bush Administration.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

F W I W - Potpourri, some praise, some scorn

Yes, we've been away for a while. And yes, we've missed you too! We've acquired a 'MAC' (you know, the one you've been seeing in the commercials, the two guys, one who introduces himself as "Hello, I'm a PC" and the other, cooler-looking guy, who says, "I'm a MAC".) And it's been quite a learning experience! Mostly, it has been about un-learning the 'Windows' interface. The "MAC" world is, to say the least, fascinating. Those of you out there who've gone through it know of which I speak. But I digress.
Yes, some praise. Praise for the tech folks at *Google*. Swinging over to the MAC also involved some changes to make it possible for me to post from the new system. We experienced some log-in problems and the tech folks got it resolved for us in less than an hour. On a Saturday, no less! So let's hoist one for the *Googlefolk* and say, "Well done!"
And while we're at it, let's have some praise for Apple, Inc. Their OS X (as in 10) operating system is remarkably facile and highly intuitive; almost like it knows what you want to do before you do it. Spooky, right? We've been told that we'll get used to it.
Next up, a brickbat or two.
Number one to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia for it's recent decision depriving prisoners at Guantanamo Bay of any right to challenge the Bush Administration by upholding the Military Commissions Act. The ACLU maintains that it is a misguided endorsement of the Administration's stance that Guantanamo is a place without law and that the detainees therefore are people without rights. It's very simple really. The United States flag flies over Guantanamo. In international law, wherever that flag of our country flies, it has always been the position that area is considered soverign to the U.S., and is fully subject to the laws of the United States. If anyone were to attempt to enter Guantanamo without clearance, our armed forces would be able to claim the right to respond with deadly force against such an intrusion. You cannot have it both ways, folks. Either an area is subject to all the laws of this country or it is subject to none. The real villain in this piece is the Military Commissions Act. The MCA is an abridgement of the first, fourth and sixth amendments in the Bill of Rights and pertains to any person, citizen or not, in the care or custody of the U.S. It is an abomination that the United States declares that it stands foursquare for Human Rights, yet tramples the very concept of same embedded in our Constitution. As a sidebar, most of the 600+ persons held at Guantanamo have been found to have been innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever. When returned to their native countries, virtually all have been released immediately.
Number two goes to John McLaughlin, host of "The McLaughlin Group on PBS (Friday night, check your local listings). Presenting a piece of file footage purporting to be Senator Barack Obama responding to charges from the Hillary Clinton campaign group that he was somehow besmirching Hillary. The cited footage was, in fact, shot during his formal announcement for President, edited to appear as slamming Hillary. Shame on you, John. This really is beneath you, sir. We watch "The McLaughlin Group" regularly and other than the fact that it almost always pits one liberal (Eleanor Clift, also a female) against three other conservatives (Pat Buchanan, Tony Blankney and the 'guest chair' on McLaughlin's right), usually comes out fair and square. This was not the case in the instance I've cited. Brickbat Two to John.
I see your eyelids starting to droop, fair reader, so we'll close. But not before we call your attention to an incredible singer. You'll be hearing more about *Regina Spektor* in the months to come. We first spotted her on CBS Sunday Morning a few weeks back in a profile that displayed this young lady's amazing range as well as technical skill at the keyboard. You heard it here first (or maybe second). P.S.-Regina hails from the former Soviet Union; their loss is our gain. More rightly, the U.K.'s gain as she now considers Great Britain her home. Visit her website at:
Last, but certainly not least is Keith Olbermann. "Countdown" on MSNBC is one of the liveliest, quirkiest, funniest (thanks to segments like 'Oddball' and 'Worst Person in the World') hours on cable. For me to forego "The Newshour With Jim Lehrer", that's something. Check your listings.

Next: The Social Conservative Agenda and the harm it is doing to America.

Today is Saturday, the 24th of February, 2007. Only 697 days until the end of the Bush Adminstration.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

F W I W - Thank You For The Music!

n the beginning was the Word. And the word was One word, yet the Word was three words; Rock and Roll. And we saw that it was Good. And the Word was spoken in the beginning by only one man, Alan Freed. And even though Alan Freed spoke the Word first, many there were to come to follow who would also speak the Word. And more and more came to speak the Word until the Word itself became known to all men. And many were that rejoiced in the Word. And there were those who spoke the Word with scorn and with derision, but they were few and they were like ants unto the ocean.

We were blessed to be there at the very beginning. The first born out of a new middle class in America. That new middle class itself born out of the death and destruction of World War II. The so-called G.I. bill, social legislation designed to reward the returning veterans for their sacrifice made it possible for these courageous soldiers to purchase a home or go to college or trade school. This new social class was also the first consumerist class and the economic clout it wielded was awesome. We throw the word 'empowered' around so easily today; it really had it's beginning in the 50's as the economic muscle of industrious Americans who then could fulfill their every material need. And, just as every action brings about an equal re-action, the first of the baby-boomers came into their puberty, the teen (as in between; between childhood and adulthood; the teen-agers) years. This demographic swelled like an oceantide; their numbers were staggering. Given to natural rebellious instincts as they sought to establish their own identity, they were not buying into the social norms of their adults. They sought to make their own way. And by sheer weight of numbers, they succeeded. Movies like "Blackboard Jungle" and "Rebel Without A Cause" sought to depict this boisterous, cocky, defiant, even at times self-conflicted element in our society. It was only natural that these young people wanted their own music, speaking their own language, if you will.

There are those who maintain that "Rock Around The Clock" was the first teen 'anthem', but a song by an obscure group, The Cheers, actually signified the beginning of the Rock era. Titled "A Black Leather Jacket and Motorcycle Boots" it was rushed into production following the movie "The Wild Bunch", starring a young punk named Marlon Brando. The rebellious youth culture had been born.
The convergence of Jazz, Rythm and Blues (also called 'race music), popular ('pop') swing and even country (called 'hillbilly') music were the genesis. Bill Haley and the Comets (who recorded "Rock Around The Clock") were a novelty roadhouse band playing nightly for $25 and tips in the oil-drilling areas of western Pennsylvania when they came to 'instant' stardom.

When Alan Freed moved from Cincinnatti, Ohio to New York to take on the night radio shift at WINS radio, he recognized the instant gut-level power of this new music form. Pounding on a telephone directory in the studio in time with the back-beat, one night he opened his microphone while beating on the directory exulting, "rock and roll", "rock and roll". It wasn't that long a time before the "Alan Freed Rock and Roll Revue" would be happening at the Brooklyn Paramount or Loew's Downtown (Manhattan) theatres. There would be the requisite teen-oriented B-grade movie followed by a dozen or so musical acts like Mother Maybelle, Ruth Brown, The Penquins, The Coasters, The Platters. Those would be followed by headlines such as, "Youth Mobs Dance, Destroy Theatre", or some such. Tearing out entire rows of seats so that they could dance was de jour. And Paramount and the other theatre chains didn't care all that much, their insurance companies paid for repairs while the $20 per seat tickets were equal to three to four day's grosses.

An exhilirating time for a young boy to be alive! Those days are gone now. They've been replaced by yak-yak radio, pre-packaged 'oldies' formats, computer-driven playlists and robot deejays doing totally scripted programming 24/7/365. I guess Elvis (Costello) said it best, " either shut up or get cut out; they don't want to hear about it. It's only inches on the reel-to-reel" (from "Radio, Radio" (cr) .

Today is February 1st; just 719 days until the end of the Bush Administration.

Next Up: Here are some links that you should check out.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

F W I W - Stop The Presses - Pat II

The regularly scheduled commentary, “Thank you for the music” will not be presented at this time in order that we may bring you the following:
We happened to run across some items on the web that we thought would be of interest to you.
Item One: How many times have you seen some news item that cites a survey (somewhere) that purports to show how people poll on an issue of interest? Then, you say to yourself, “Gee, nobody asked me about that!”
Or, something to that effect. Now, you can make your beliefs known! Better yet, you can even earn rewards (cash, too) saying how you believe. There is an organization that wants to know how people poll on various issues of importance; it’s known as PollingPoint . Here’s the beauty of the thing. Take as many or as few of their polls as you like, when you like. You’ll earn ‘points’ for each poll you complete. Take a lot of polls, earn more points, take fewer polls and earn fewer points. The points accrue, and, as far as we can tell, they accrue until you decide what premium you want to trade them for. Be advised, the cash ($100) is available in that amount only and you need to accrue 100,000 points. But, if you are highly opinionated, it shouldn’t take you too terribly long.
Item Two: We are tremendous fans of comedian Lewis Black. Of course, he has his own website Lewis is also a contestant on Comedy Central for “Comedian of the Month”. If we can enlist your aid, we would like you to vote for Lewis. Hopefully, you caught the interview on “CBS Sunday Morning” a few weeks back. It appears that Lewis has tapped into that level of frustration that we all feel when confronted with some of the idiocy in today’s world. We can identify with that feeling of, “If somebody doesn’t get this fixed in the next two minutes, I’m going to SNAP”! His take on sportscaster Rick Warren’s sexual fantasy (on-air, no less) about Ashley Judd is one of the funniest we’ve ever witnessed. Don’t know why it isn’t available on Comedy Central. Just thinking about it makes us…(excuse me, I have to roll around on the floor for a few minutes) weak. Please, do us a favor and support Lewis in his quest.
Item Three: Okay, we have to get political here (don’t we always?). There’s an item on “Slate”, the online magazine that sheds like on how we (America) could begin to reclaim Afghanistan from the Taliban. Of course, there are those who bristle at the premise of legalizing drugs, and/or supporting those who produce them, but this article makes some real sense. If implemented, it could reduce the money that goes directly to the Taliban, thereby reducing (1) the Taliban’s ability to purchase guns, grenades and other explosives and (2) the Taliban’s growing influence in southern Afghanistan. We urge you to read the article, since the Taliban is the organization directly involved with 9/11, not Saddam Hussein.

Item Four: This may seem a little like deja vu all over again, and you would be right. Actually, this is the entire text of Stop The Presses Part II.
We've been advised by the good people at Blogspot technical support that there were other instances where parts of postings did not upload to the server (computer). We've also been advised that they hope to locate the glitch (technical term for, "hmmmm, why'd that happen?") and fix same as soon as possible. And I believe them. They're really nice folks. We won't belabor the point; just know that we hope to have another posting up later today. Hopefully, it will be the aformentioned "Thank you for the music!"
Today is January 31st, 720 days left until the end of the Bush Administration.
Next Up: Thank you for the music!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

F W I W - We're baaaaack!

If the text looks a little strange, it will be because we are converting to a MAC-based system, and as much as we love working with the OS 10 system, we're still a little 'green'.

That said, let's jump right in!

The rest of my last rant will appear as soon as I can migrate it onto this system, edit same and upload.

For our first item, we need to enlist your support. If you've been watching the news lately, you've been hearing a lot about Iran and that country's so-called pursuit of nuclear (or as dubya would say, nucular) weapons. Alas, the little boy is crying 'wolf' once again. The last time he did, we sent troops into Iraq where we were quagmired almost immediately. Now, over three thousand young lives have been lost, countless thousands more are crippled for life and the situation in that country grows worse every day.
Now, the failed policy in Iraq is being debated in the public arena, so to divert attention, Bush and the same cabal of chicken-hawks are trying to make a case for invading Iran. Make no mistake. The Administration wants a pretext, any pretext, to send troops into Iran. And don't believe for a moment the pronouncements of the President's press secretary, Tony Snow.
Unfortunately, all this talk about Iran seeking to develop nuclear weapons is a sham. Big surprise, right? It should be noted that NOT ONE of the other nations in the area are as inflamed about this issue, except Israel. Of course, it is understandable that Israel should be so distressed. Iranian President Ahmed Armedinijad has been calling for the destruction of the Israeli state for years. Now that he has become President, it seems to have climbed to the top of his agenda. But, here's the kicker:
According to Jane's Weapons Systems (the ultimate authority on all war-making systems), Iran WILL NOT, repeat, WILL NOT, have nuclear weapons capability (including a delivery system) for at least FIVE, or possibly as much as EIGHT years! You'd think that Iran would be able to nuke Israel next month to hear the administration's arguments. Nuclear weapons technology is incredibly complex. There are websites out there that claim that the specs are out there and are amazingly easy to obtain. This is a myth. Go ahead, 'google' "nuclear weapons technology" and see what you can find that has the amount of specificity necessary to actually build such a weapon. Here's where you, my dear reader comes in.
I've been emailing Joe Scarborough (on MSNBC.Com) trying to make that case clear to him. He won't reply. Now Joe IS a political conservative, so it could be understandable that he would follow the White House lead on this story. But, it goes deeper than that. If you bring out the truth (in the previous paragraph), basically, there is NO STORY there. And, of course, nuclear weapons is a big story. Make it go away and the staff has to go looking elsewhere to find something to report on. Unfortunately, the only other game in town right now is the Iraq debacle and Scarborough and company are opined that that story is just a tad stale, so to speak. Help me, please! Go on the web to: When you get to his page, you'll find a link near the upper right-hand corner that invites you to email Joe. Click the link, then write your own email to him urging him to not be a party to this travesty. Quote this blog if you like, but it's more important that you make him understand that there are people out here who are dedicated to telling the truth, despite the blather that the White House and the commercial networks are spinning. And, don't do this for me. I'm a pretty old guy with fewer days ahead of me than behind. Do it for your children and for their children and your neighbor's children. They're the ones who'll have to live with the consequences of an all-out nuclear conflagration. Invading Iran or striking Iran will be just the spark that will set the middle east aflame and ultimately trigger such a catastrophe.
We're aware that you may have concerns over my credibility. Some weeks ago, we did assert that Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf would be assassinated for allowing India to sign a nuclear agreement with the United States without objection on his part. We were, apparently, incorrect on the timing of such an assassination. We do, however, stand by our assertion that he (Musharraf) is living on borrowed time. There have been two such attempts since he ascended to power. Will the third time be the charmed? What do you think?

Which brings me to the next item. My email address has changed. Here it is:
We hope to hear from you with your thoughts. Communication is best when it is two-way and we firmly believe in the principle that Thomas Jefferson espoused; namely that given the choice between a strong government and a weak press and a weak government and a strong press, his preference was for the strong press. Well said, Mr. Jefferson!

Next up: Stop The Presses! - Part II (conclusion)

Today is Tuesday, January 30, 2007; just 721 days until the end of the Bush Administration

Thursday, January 18, 2007

FWIW - Stop The Presses! - Part II

FWIW – Stop The Presses Part II

The regularly scheduled commentary, “Thank you for the music” will not be presented at this time in order that we may bring you the following:

(This is a re-post of today's earlier post and we hope it is complete.)

We happened to run across some items on the web that we thought would be of interest to you.

Item One: How many times have you seen some news item that cites a survey (somewhere) that purports to show how people poll on an issue of interest? Then, you say to yourself, “Gee, nobody asked me about that!”
Or, something to that effect. Now, you can make your beliefs known! Better yet, you can even earn rewards (cash, too) saying how you believe. There is an organization that wants to know how people poll on various issues of importance; it’s known as PollingPoint . Here’s the beauty of the thing. Take as many or as few of their polls as you like, when you like. You’ll earn ‘points’ for each poll you complete. Take a lot of polls, earn more points, take fewer polls and earn fewer points. The points accrue, and, as far as we can tell, they accrue until you decide what premium you want to trade them for. Be advised, the cash ($100) is available in that amount only and you need to accrue 100,000 points. But, if you are highly opinionated, it shouldn’t take you too terribly long.

Item Two: We are tremendous fans of comedian Lewis Black. Of course, he has his own website Lewis is also a contestant on Comedy Central for “Comedian of the Month”. If we can enlist your aid, we would like you to

FWIW – Stop The Presses Part II

The regularly scheduled commentary, “Thank you for the music” will not be presented at this time in order that we may bring you the following:

We happened to run across some items on the web that we thought would be of interest to you.

Item One: How many times have you seen some news item that cites a survey (somewhere) that purports to show how people poll on an issue of interest? Then, you say to yourself, “Gee, nobody asked me about that!”
Or, something to that effect. Now, you can make your beliefs known! Better yet, you can even earn rewards (cash, too) saying how you believe. There is an organization that wants to know how people poll on various issues of importance; it’s known as PollingPoint . Here’s the beauty of the thing. Take as many or as few of their polls as you like, when you like. You’ll earn ‘points’ for each poll you complete. Take a lot of polls, earn more points, take fewer polls and earn fewer points. The points accrue, and, as far as we can tell, they accrue until you decide what premium you want to trade them for. Be advised, the cash ($100) is available in that amount only and you need to accrue 100,000 points. But, if you are highly opinionated, it shouldn’t take you too terribly long.

Item Two: We are tremendous fans of comedian Lewis Black. Of course, he has his own website Lewis is also a contestant on Comedy Central for “Comedian of the Month”. If we can enlist your aid, we would like you to

Thursday, January 11, 2007

FWIW - The Naked Truth

Sorry, but we teased you a little with the title. Sorry, no naked ladies here. (Actually, that was a tiny reference to my other website) Seriously, this was more of a reference to “the emperor has no clothes”.
And, in this case, the emperor is George W Bush. One has to wonder about the Chief Executive’s grip on reality. He (‘Dubya’) said it himself, “We took a thumpin’…”, referring to the November 7th elections. The Democratic Party took back control of both houses of Congress, twelve years after the Republicans drove them from the hill. In general, those Republicans who got their walking papers were supporters of the President’s Iraq policy (ok, alleged policy). To be fair, there were indeed other factors, such as corruption. Even there, one has to admire the Republican Party. The Democrats took 40 years to get to the level of corruption and influence peddling that the Republicans achieved in only 12. Other issues like Katrina and a do-nothing 109th Congress were major factors. Yet, above all, antipathy toward an administration that continually promised ‘victory…just around the corner’ then failed to deliver anything but worsening trends in a deteriorating state of civil war within Iraq sealed the fate of Republicans who tied themselves to the administration.
So, Wednesday, January 10th, the President addresses the nation on a supposed change of course on the war in Iraq. Of course, the administration had been hyping a ‘surge’ tactic almost before the ink on the Iraq Study Group report had dried.
Apparently the President didn’t get the message that the American people sent loud and clear on November. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann observed that instead of redeploying out of Iraq, Mr. Bush appears to be trying to get this country primed for a military strike against Iran!
As of tonight, 50 out of 51 Democrats and eight Republicans in the Senate stand ready to deny the President funds for further escalation of the Iraq war.
One has to wonder if the President realizes just how close he is bringing this country to the point of all-out war in the Middle East. It is an interesting parallel to note that in Dubya’s youth, he was famous for “bringing in” so-called ‘dry holes’; that is, as an oil driller (a ‘wildcatter’ is the Texas term), he never brought in a producing oil well. Of course, it was other people’s money that was lost, not his own. If his last name had not been Bush, it would have been interesting to see how many wells he would have drilled; we believe very few.
In Iraq, likewise, this one man has ultimate responsibility for the deaths of more than 3,000 of our nation’s best and brightest. They’re not his own children, of course, and we have to wonder just how sincere this man is as he attempts to justify sending another 22,000 young people into a Viet Nam-type quagmire.
Don’t you agree that this emperor truly has no clothes? How can this one man callously disregard the sense of the American people that this is a lost cause, and that all we have done is to kick over a hornet’s nest for the sake of one man’s ego?
You should be getting angry, as I am. You should be writing to your Senators and Representatives demanding that this insanity end; that this country should take steps to regain respect before the rest of the civilized world and admit to stupidity, fear and arrogance in bringing this horrendous state of affairs into being. And then, we should seek the honorable way of removing our troops in such a manner as to allow the people of Iraq to sort out their own national goals, whatever they may be.
Dare we even hope for such a resolution? Are we enough of an honorable people to ask forgiveness of the Iraqis for all of the death and destruction we have caused?
Truly, the emperor has no clothes. And, apparently, no shame, either.

On a personal note:
We sadly note the passing of one person whom we were blessed to have met years ago. Dr. Henry Chamfield passed into rest Wednesday. I was one who was fortunate to have learned so much about the Jewish people from Henry. A true “mensch”, a genuinely righteous person, I am so much richer for having met him. Shalom, Henry.

Today is January 11th, 740 days left until the end of the Bush Administration.

Tomorrow: Thank you for the music!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

FWIW - Honestly, I am not anti-semitic!

Before I start out today, I spotted an article on “Slate” this morning that says why the war in Iraq is guaranteed to fail. Reference back to my post yesterday (Jan 5).
Also, thanks to my friend Lance, who emailed me the text referred to from Richard A. Clarke, describing the failures of the current administration.

Let me say once again in opening that I am most assuredly, not anti-semitic. As a Christian, I am deeply reverential to Judaism. Jesus was a Jew, let us not forget. In the church that I attend, it is a regular part of the liturgy that we review that which was written in the Old Testament. After all, how can one be on a spiritual journey if one does not have his (or her) bearings from the past?
History is replete with examples of how the Jews have been subjected to scorn, derision and outright hatred through the ages. Yet, for all their suffering, the Jewish people steadfastly proclaim their love for, and belief in our Creator. Indeed, it was the Jews who were the first to author monotheism, the belief in one and only one God. If not for the Hebrews in ancient Egypt, we might still be worshipping a Sun God, a Rain God, etc. etc.

Now, some things about the modern state of Israel. Did you know:
The cell phone was developed in Israel by Israelis working in the Israeli branch of Motorola, which has its largest development center in Israel.

Both the Pentium-4 microprocessor and the Centrino processor were entirely designed, developed and produced in Israel.

Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin-109 per 10,000 people -- as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed.

With more than 3,000 high-tech companies and startups, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world -- apart from the Silicon Valley, U.S.

Outside the United States and Canada, Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies.

Relative to its population, Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation on earth. Immigrants come in search of democracy, religious freedom, and economic opportunity. (Hundreds of thousands from the former Soviet Union)

Israel was the first nation in the world to adopt the Kimberly process, an international standard that certifies diamonds as "conflict free."

An Israeli company developed a computerized system for ensuring proper administration of medications, thus removing human error from medical treatment. Every year in U. S. hospitals 7,000 patients die from treatment mistakes.

A new acne treatment developed in Israel, the Clear Light device, produces a high-intensity, ultraviolet-light-free, narrow-band blue light that causes acne bacteria to self-destruct -- all without damaging surrounding skin or tissue.

Now, my question, guaranteed to raise blood pressure:
With all of these technological firsts, with the largest Air Force and Military in the Middle East, why can’t Israel come to grips with the fact that ‘Peace’ cannot be imposed. To date, Israel has only ratified peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan.
To be sure, the government of Israel is not the people of Israel. Looking back over the years, it’s been fairly evident to me that people can get along quite well. Once they group together, however, and form governments, troubles are inevitable. So why, when the government of Israel says it wants Peace, does it turn around and build another settlement in the occupied territories? In describing Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians, one foreign minister made the observation that, “.. (the Palestinians) never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” In recent weeks, the government of Israel announced that it was easing restrictions to make it possible for Palestinians to enter Israel to work. Some border checkpoints have been ‘opened up’ as a ‘sign’ of normalization of relations. Almost in the next sentence, Israel announced that another settlement will go forward in the occupied territory. And so it goes, with one step forward and two steps back. How long will it take before the people of Israel wake up to understand that the settelements are the reason for the state of virtual war between Israel and the Palestinian people?

As stated at the outset, there is no non-Jewish person out there with as great a love for the Jewish people as myself. It grieves me so deeply to see the people I love victimized by suicide bombers. Yet, at the same time I can see how people who see no future for themselves but to live as second-class citizens in Israel will sacrifice themselves to inflict a like amount of suffering on the Jewish people.

In 1995, there was a short time when it looked like there could finally be an agreement to cease hostilities when Yasser Arafat and Yitzak Rabin announced that they had settled on terms for a peaceful resolution of the decades-long struggle between their people. In less than a month Yitzak Rabin was assassinated at a peace rally, not by a Palestinian, but a Jewish youth, a member of a fundamentalist faction. We came so close…
So close..

Let the hate mail begin.

Tomorrow: The Naked Truth

Today is January 6th; only 745 days left until the end of the Bush Administration.

Friday, January 5, 2007

FWIW - A Real Conundrum

Writing in the Washington Post on December 31, Richard A. Clarke, the former National Coordinator for Counterterrorism lists 7 areas that the Bush Administration has totally neglected while focusing on the war in Iraq.
These seven areas each have the potential to undermine U.S. security worldwide as much as Iraq, but are literally being ignored while the Idiot In Chief pursues “victory” in a war that should never have been launched in the first place.
Number One ~ Global warming: When the possibility of invading Iraq surfaced in 2001, senior Bush administration officials hadn't thought much about global warming, except to wonder whether it was caused by human activity or by sunspots. Today, the world's scientists and many national leaders worry that the world has passed the point of no return on global warming. If it has, then human damage to the ecosphere will cause more major cities to flood and make the planet significantly less conducive to human habitation -- all over the lifetime of a child now in kindergarten.
Number Two ~ Russian revanchism: When Russian President Vladimir Putin and Bush leave office in rapid succession in 2008 and 2009, it seems likely that Russia will be less of a democracy and less inclined to cooperate with Washington than it was six years ago, when Bush stared into the eyes and looked into the heart of the Russian leader. Given her extensive background in Soviet studies, Condoleezza Rice would have been a natural to work on key U.S.-Russian issues, first as national security adviser and now as secretary of state. But the focus on Iraq has precluded such efforts.
Number Three ~ Latin America's leftist lurch: In the years before the Iraq war, U.S. presidents were welcomed at summits throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Indeed, the attacks of Sept. 11 found then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell in South America, visiting one area of the world where U.S. policies had worked. Friendly, democratic governments were in power in every nation in the hemisphere except Cuba.
Today, Castro has been replaced, but not just by another Cuban dictator. The leader of the hemisphere's new anti-Yankee alliance is Hugo Chávez, the democratically elected president of Venezuela. Chávez's anti-U.S. campaign is supported by Cuban intelligence and Venezuelan oil money. By 2006, Venezuela and Cuba were not alone in their opposition to Washington; kindred spirits have been elected in Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua.
Number Four ~ Africa at war: The genocide spilling from the Darfur region of Sudan into neighboring Chad has captured attention in the United States mainly because of (belated) media coverage and an aggressive advocacy campaign by concerned groups, but the prospects of Washington dealing with the problem seem slim. Darfur, however, is only one of a pox of conflicts that, together with HIV/AIDS, are depopulating parts of Africa and robbing it of potential wealth from mineral, oil and gas deposits. Wars have also raged in Chad, Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Somalia. Were it not for the Iraq war, Washington may have acted to stop what the Bush administration admits is genocide in Darfur, or taken steps to prevent the chaos sweeping Somalia after a group affiliated with al-Qaeda took over the country and left Ethiopia no choice but to invade in hopes of preventing a more disastrous war.
Number Five ~ Arms control freeze: Once atop several administrations' national security agendas, international arms control has received little White House attention since the Bush administration decided early on to walk away from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. National security adviser Stephen J. Hadley has extensive government experience working on arms control and he began to focus on this turf in early 2001, when he was number two at the National Security Council. But after 9/11, Hadley has had little opportunity to advance international efforts to control biological weapons, nuclear testing and proliferation, or the threat of nuclear or radioactive terrorist weapons
Number Six ~ Transnational crime: In a nationally televised address in 1989, President George H.W. Bush held aloft a bag of cocaine that had been sold near the White House and declared a "War on Drugs." That initiative was later enlarged to target the international criminal cartels engaged in human trafficking, gun and contraband smuggling, money laundering and cyber fraud. The momentum from these efforts produced international treaties to combat hidden global crime conglomerates, but the White House leadership necessary to coordinate dozens of U.S. agencies and mobilize other nations has dissipated. Moreover, the world's international crime cartels received a major shot in the arm with the occupation of Afghanistan by NATO forces. From relatively low levels of heroin production in 2001, Afghanistan's economy is now dependent upon the widespread cultivation of heroin that is flooding black markets in Europe and Asia. With most of the U.S. Army either in Iraq, heading to Iraq or returning from Iraq, insufficient U.S. forces were available to prevent the once-liberated Afghanistan from morphing into a narco-state.
Number Seven ~ The Pakistani-Afghan border: Afghanistan increasingly receives the attention of senior U.S. policymakers, not because of the narcotics problem, but mainly because the once-defeated Taliban again threaten Afghan and coalition forces. However, if there is a solution, it lies on the other side of the Khyber Pass where a sanctuary has emerged, a Taliban-like state within a state in western Pakistan. Dealing with that problem is more than Washington has been willing or able to handle, for it involves the complex issue of who governs nuclear-armed Pakistan and how.
Thus far, Washington has accepted Gen. Pervez Musharraf's half-hearted measures for dealing with the nuclear proliferation network of A.Q. Khan, addressing the terrorist involvement of Pakistani intelligence and controlling the Taliban/al-Qaeda bases in Waziristan. Getting Pakistan to do more would require a major sustained effort by senior U.S. officials, including addressing the longstanding tensions with India. Because of Iraq, Washington's national security gurus do not have the hours in their days to manage that -- nor the troops needed to secure Afghanistan.
As the president contemplates sending even more U.S. forces into the Iraqi sinkhole, he should consider not only the thousands of fatalities, the tens of thousands of casualties and the hundreds of billions of dollars already lost. He must also weigh the opportunity cost of taking his national security barons off all the other critical problems they should be addressing -- problems whose windows of opportunity are slamming shut, unheard over the wail of Baghdad sirens.
And so, these crises simmer in the background waiting for “The Decider”, as he calls himself, to decide if he wants to tackle them, or, more likely, leave them for the next President to deal with.
And what are we, the American people to do? We could really get angry enough over this dereliction of duty to push for Impeachment. And, there would be adequate grounds: the President lied when he said, “We KNOW (emphasis added) that Iraq under Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.” That was a deliberate lie to back up his reasoning for going to war against Iraq. Look up “ know” in the dictionary. To “know” is to “have probative information…(or data)”. President Bush had no such information. The White House spin then became, “…we certainly believed, as did other countries…” blah blah blah. The President played the fear card while 9/11 was still strong in our collective memory in order to promote a war of choice against a country that had no desire to strike at the United States.
So, yes, we could impeach Mr. Bush. It would be the most rancorous Impeachment trial since Richard Nixon. Given his already low public opinion ratings, the impeachment would likely be successful and he, like Richard Nixon would have to step down in disgrace.
That leaves the question of successor; Richard ‘Dick’ Cheney. And therein lies the conundrum.

Today is January 5th; only 746 days left until the end of the Bush Administration.

Tomorrow: Honestly, I am not anti-semitic!

Richard A. Clarke is chairman of Good Harbor Consulting and author of “Against All Enemies” (Free Press) and “Breakpoint” (Putnam)

Thursday, January 4, 2007

FWIW – Bits and Pieces; Odd tidbits from here and there

It appears that Texas, formerly known for being the largest state in the Union is now on track for making it possible for the legally blind to enjoy that all-American sport of….hunting. I mean, why shouldn’t those who can’t see be deprived of the pleasure of feeling the recoil of a 30-ought six Marlin? Or, that heady aroma of Kordite? Why, indeed? Considering that they couldn’t do any worse than our own Vice-President in the marksmanship category, it’s really academic, don’t you think? To be fair, there is supposed to be a provision that such persons be accompanied by a sighted person. Standing political correctness on its head, however, we wouldn’t hold our breath waiting for that little caveat to actually find its way into the final legislation.

Wesley Autrey didn’t consider himself a hero. Serving in the Armed Forces, he never thought that his training would result in saving a human life. By now we’re certain that you’ve heard of his valor, jumping onto the tracks in a New York subway to save the life of a young man who had fallen onto the tracks as a train approached. How he had held the man down in the narrow trough and kept the young man’s arms down as he felt the train brush his cap as it passed over the two of them. Interviewed after the incident, Autrey allowed as how it must have been his military training that kicked in when he saw another human in peril. How many of us can, in all honesty, say that they would have done likewise? The next time you see someone in military uniform, no matter what branch, you might want to think to yourself, “We have the finest, the bravest men and women in our country’s service!”

Some time ago, I emailed a few close friends that I foresaw the assassination of Pakistani President Musharraf. Although I still believe that the act will occur, apparently I was mistaken about the time frame. The context was in the day after announcement that the United States and India had signed a historic nuclear accord which will vastly increase India’s access to nuclear technology. As I interpreted the event, those jihadist forces in Pakistan would be enraged that Pervez Musharraf would allow such to take place without raising the slightest objection. Also, there have been two attempts (that we know about, that is) on Musharraf’s life in the past, we thought that the third time might be the ‘charmed’. Musharraf may still be alive, but we stand by our belief that he is living on borrowed time.

The Democrats have assumed control of the House and the Senate today. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have their work cut out for them. They will, predictably start out with the low-hanging fruit (the easiest legislation to pass), increasing the minimum wage nationally. Funny, many states are already on board, having raised their own minimums. What is even more remarkable is that they have not experienced any financial ill effects. Maybe that’s because those in the lower financial brackets who are given more money tend to spend it almost immediately, therefore putting more money in circulation in local economies. One might be tempted to think that such increased circulation would feed inflation at the local level. But, they would be wrong, given that good old capitalistic competitive forces are holding that number down, just like they were designed. What a concept!

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Today is January 4th, 2007; only 747 days until the end of the Bush Administration.

Tomorrow: A real conundrum.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

FWIW – That Was The Year That Was

And the last week kind of summed up the year. A year of stark contrasts. Two people left their mark on our society. One performer who gave us fifty years. Another helped us heal after a painful decade in which our belief in our own values was sorely tested. The third and final was a beast that we helped build through our own stupidity and the people he terrorized worked their own system of justice to dispatch him.

Alan Freed hosted his dj show on WINS – AM 1010 in the 50’s. You’ll recall that he coined the phrase rock ‘n roll playing James Brown, Fats Domino, The Platters, Little Richard, Billie Ward and the Dominoes; you get the idea. Freed would open up the studio microphone while he beat on a phone book in cadence to James Brown and The Famous Flames. This was the halcyon age. In the fifty years since, no performer has ever come close to claiming the title of “The Hardest Working Man in Show Business”. James Brown, an American Original – we are richer for the talent he possessed and poorer without him.

Gerald Rudolph Ford didn’t have presidential aspirations. After a college career where he excelled at football (his jersey #42 has now been retired; a fitting tribute from his favorite Wolverines), he honorably served this country in our Navy, then moved into public service.
When you’re re-elected to the same congressional seat 13 times, each time with a 60% approval rating, it’s a pretty good indicator that you’re serving the folks back home, not your political ambitions. Quiet decency is what his constituents in Grand Rapids rewarded by electing him each of those 13 times.
Of course no good deed goes unpunished. True to form, Chistopher Hitchens, writing in the online journal “Slate” attempts a real hatchet job on the 38th President, but I wonder if Hitchens remembers just what the national mood was like back in 1974. The Watergate scandal exposed the pettiness and meanness of the President and his cohorts; the venal measures they employed to virtually subvert the Constitution. After August 9th, Gerald Ford assumed the office and shortly thereafter proclaimed that “…the national nightmare is now over”. Of course, with his pardon of Richard Nixon a scant month later, many Americans (myself included) wondered if it really was. Looking back thirty-some years, we’ve come to realize that he really did have it right. President Ford knew the importance of moving on even then. History is a fairer judge of the man known as ‘the accidental president’ than we were, or that Chris Hitchens could ever be. Dignity. Honor. Decency. Just the qualities that we should seek in those who aspire to the highest level of public service.

And then we have the flip side of the coin. Saddam Hussein. Right up there with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Pinochet, Shah Reza Palavi. How ironic the image of Donald Rumsfeld paying tribute to Gerald Ford, juxtaposed to the image on CNN just a few days earlier with Rumsfeld buddying up with Hussein right after we sold billions of dollars of military hardware to Iraq. Is that a cruel irony or what? “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, or so goes the saying in that region of the world. And, since we loathed Iran for taking 52 Americans hostage for 444 days, we thought it clever to have Saddam Hussein inflict death and destruction on Iran in our stead.
As stated at the outset, we had a great part in building that beast, and the blood of those thousands of Kurds and Shia that stained his hands in part was made possible by our own complicity. Good riddance, Saddam. We ourselves will still see our own face in the mirror while your ghostly countenance will haunt our nightmares for years to come.

Today is January 3rd; 748 days left until the end of the Bush Administration.

Tomorrow: Bits and pieces from everywhere.