Thursday, December 7, 2006

FWIW - Why Barack Obama will be a great President

It occurred to me later (after I had completed yesterday's post), that I might have come off as having a bit of a negative attitude. Maybe even a bit curmudgeonly. Fair enough. Chalk it up to a lack of sleep, a cold that has been hanging on for a week now, which my doctor says has become bronchitis.
It was a bit of a rant, though, I must confess.
So, why today's title; after all, we just got through with one election, didn't we? So, why pitch Barack Obama, presumably for 2008? Isn't that a bit premature? Probably so. Yet, there are those out there in blogland (or the blogosphere, or whatever they want to call it) who are already talking about the next election cycle. Of course, the handicapping is already in full swing. Speculation is rampant. "Will Hillary (Clinton) run?" "How does Rudy Giuliani look?" "Will they nominate John Kerry again; wasn't one loss enough?" "What do you think of Sam Brownback? Who?"
Naturally, talk comes around to Barack Obama for the Democrats. "He's too young","Not enough experience", "Is America ready for an African-American president?" "But, he's from the Midwest, for god's sake!" Yada Yada Yada.
In point of fact, The Republicans don't have all that many viable candidates. Oh, sure, there's John McCain; his jowls become more pronounced as his stands on issues become less pronounced from the right-winger's talking points book. Sorry, John, you're a has-been. Only tricky Dicky Nixon could resurrect from the political cemetery after a humiliating defeat like 1962. Giuliani? You think that Republicans are going to vote for a pro-choice divorcee from New York? I don't care how well he handled himself during 9/11. What's he done lately?
Democrats don't come off much better. Hillary? "She's got enough money to burn a wet mule," someone said. And her negatives are almost as high as her positives. John Edwards? Too nice, way too nice. Wes Clark? If the Dems weren't smart enough to run him in '04, why would you expect them to smarten up for '08?
Right now, Barack Obama is hot. His book, "The Audacity of Hope" is a best-seller and positions him as a forward-looking progressive with a positive message. The year 2007 is bound to be a downer as this country attempts to disengage from Viet Nam Redux with as little loss of life as can be hoped. People will be ready, no, eager for a message that says, 'better times are ahead if we'll all pull together for a change!"
If Barack Obama is smart (be assured, he is), he'll spend the next year as he has the past two, learning the inside game of the Legislative Branch. He'll continue cultivating relationships with those who can help him when he becomes Chief Executive. There are those who will claim that he is untested in international waters. Being recognized as a respected leader of this nation will imbue him with enough credibility to complement his charisma on the world stage. Think of a taller, darker JFK who can converse as easily with some South African Foreign Minister as a European Prime Minister.
Finally, what I call the 'E' factor. As in empathatic. Obama continues to hone that essential trait; the one that links him invisibly, almost imperceptively to all those around him. He senses the 'mood' of a room almost as soon as he enters; like the sailor who detects the slightest variation of the wind and changes rudder and sail to maintain or alter course and heading. Without pretense or bombast Obama will distinguish himself with grace and humility.

Today is December 7, 2006; only 773 days left until the end of the Bush Presidency

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